Sunday, June 05, 2011

Kemetian Independence Day: 6 Years On

04/05/2011--FIRST CITY/CHICAGO--Celebrations were held today throughout the Kingdom on the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of the nation. Six years on, the Kingdom boasts hundreds of citizens from across the globe, and solidarity with the country was shown through communal gatherings and merrymaking.

The King hosted an event at the Kemetian Consulate in Chicago, which was attended by many notable individuals, including the King himself, the Chief Justice Sir Nicholas Kelly, Justices Julia Nee and Kaitlyn Fryzek, Minister of Agriculture Nicholas Bailey, Minister of Culture Alexander Cole, Director of Communications Alicia Graf and the President of the Electoral Commission Dexter O'Connell.

In some brief remarks, His Sovereign Majesty outlined his commitment to democracy distinct and more liberal than currently articulated forms of that ideology, and also cautioned listeners not to be deceived by autocrats in liberal clothing. The evening proceeded with the serving of many Kemetian delicacies and convivial exchanges.

The King also took this occasion to make it known that he had enter talks with Antigua and Barbuda earlier this week, and that the Legal Affairs Department of that country was currently deliberating how to proceed with the Kemetia question.

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